Ksenija Simic-Muller

The global lost and found

  1. Things forgotten (facts, mostly, and some misplaced objects)
  2. filed in an anonymous jewelry box
  3. in the form of written documents
  4. each oblivion on a different sheet
  5. Upon (a chance) discovery of the box’s secret chamber
  6. one reads it, lying on the belly, feet circling the sky,
  7. and perchance giggles to discover where
  8. shoes, medallions, sweaters, grandfather’s hats were really lost;
  9. some of these places impossible
  10. (tree branches, lockers, rental cars, bottom of the sea)
  11. all vaguely familiar, their scents almost known
  12. these objects never reclaimed:
  13. this is a home where objects have names and souls, are fiercely loved,
  14. allowed to breathe,
  15. and are talked to in times of grief,
  16. yet nothing was fetched from the lost and found
  17. (which takes shape of the most mysterious of all mysterious places
  18. with drawers and shelves full of fake teeth and Virgin Mary pendants)
  19. When objects are abandoned,
  20. when their time has come,
  21. they are left with no apology,
  22. then mourned fiercely face-down
  23. This is not without reason
  24. but to free the air of attachments,
  25. without even a counsel between the left hand and the right
Ksenija Simic-Muller once lived in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, where she published a collection of short stories and a collection of poems. She now spends most of her time being an educator focusing on social justice mathematics. She is not related to Charles Simic.