After a Dream in Winter
by Brandon Krieg

  1. Thin snow falls past the cave opening.
  2. Bat squeals quicken my son’s heart,
  3. small as a walnut shell, exquisitely chambered
  1. as the many black shells
  2. rolled in little heaps at the wood’s edge.
  1. This morning he woke crying and said
  2. a man dressed as a wall with seven doors
  3. was coming.   Snow out there
  1. is angling into the creek gorge.
  2. What could I say   what could I say
  1. when he asked could we go together
  2. through the same door?
Packingtown Review – Vol.14, Fall 2020

Brandon Krieg is the author of In the Gorge (Codhill Press), Invasives (New Rivers Press), a finalist for the 2015 ASLE Book Award in Environmental Creative Writing, and a chapbook, Source to Mouth (DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press). His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI, Conjunctions, Crazyhorse, FIELD, The Iowa Review, and many other journals.

  1. Lisa Caloro
    What the Truth is Worthpoetry