Virgil’s Amish Romance
by Morgan Boyer

    		 Inspired by Philip Thibodeau’s “Playing the Farmer” (2011)
    Behold, Beverley Lewis and Cindy Woodsmall, your
    newest competition! The Roman pastoral poet Virgil
    is back from the dead to bring bounties of books
    about bonnet-wearing blondes on the bookshelves
    complete with lovely illegible cursive titles
    adorned with scenic Lancaster cornfields,
    without the shit-stained sides of Interstate highways,
    massive measles outbreaks, or gossiping obese English tourists.
    You only need to worry about the quaint quilt clubs
    and fresh-baked gooey gobs, the chiseled but chaste
    bodies of carpenters, gripping a hammer with their
    veins pulsing out of his wrists but always stopping to say,
    “Whoa not until Jesus gives me the ok by throwing
    a shiny metal trinket on our fingers, girl! I’m not that kind of guy.”
    Forget about the battered women,
    only think of the creamy cake batter.
Packingtown Review – Vol. 18, Fall 2022

Morgan Boyer is the author of The Serotonin Cradle (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and a graduate of Carlow University. Boyer has been featured in Kallisto Gaia Press, Thirty West Publishing House, Oyez Review, Pennsylvania English, and Voices from the Attic. Boyer is a neurodivergent bisexual woman who resides in Pittsburgh, PA.

  1. Ricardo Guerra de la Peña