Table of Contents

  1. The Editors
    A Meal Is Ready
  2. Garin Cycholl
    deep water, shallow timepoetry
  3. Song of Tiresiaspoetry
  4. Song of Tiresiaspoetry
  5. mapping of underground riverspoetry
  6. Nataša Knežević
    UZOR Womenart
  7. Introspection of Dualityart
  8. Green Balanceart
  9. Fragmentation of My Own New Tendencyartist's statement
  10. Al Maginnes
    Dreaming of Owlspoetry
  11. Mary Warren Foulk
    Drowning Dreampoetry
  12. Robert Granader
    Full Housefiction
  13. Richard Hanus
  14. Leisha Douglas
    As Ifpoetry
  15. Interventionpoetry
  16. Cliff Saunders
    Solo Projectpoetry
  17. Kelly Houle
  18. Brendan Todt
    Done Withpoetry
  19. Dana Tenille Weekes
  20. cross-legged and stillpoetry
  21. Bill Wolak
    Singing from the Rootsart
  22. Josef Krebs
    The Great Distractionpoetry
  23. John Tustin
    Blue and Browntownpoetry
  24. Morgan Boyer
    Virgil’s Amish Romancepoetry
  25. Ricardo Guerra de la Peña
  26. Robert Evory
  27. Pete Miller
    Les' Genesispoetry
  28. Anything Helpspoetry
  29. Joshua Ruffin
    Deep Winterpoetry
  30. DS Maolalai
    The Orchid Salesmanpoetry
  31. Deborah H. Doolittle
    James Joyce Fancies Arnicapoetry
Packingtown Review – Vol. 18, Fall 2022
  1. The Editors
    A Meal Is Ready