The Frivolous Wonder of Preference
by Florence Weinberger

There are whys of logic    children ask for
whys of being    philosophers ponder
and the whys I grew out of    when futility took over.

I wore black dresses   taste become willful
tulips, not primrose   black-and-white movies
the questions   their own answers.

Today an undulant sea   is a shifting architecture
of desert.  No one really knows   why sweet over salt
except love is a gift   of choices.

Though I like both
the desert’s turbulence   and the sinew of ocean
I live near the ocean   and once   I chose you.
Packingtown Review – Vol.6, Winter 2014/2015

Florence Weinberger has published 4 books of poetry, The Invisible Telling Its Shape, Breathing Like a Jew, Carnal Fragrance and Sacred Graffiti. Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize, her poetry has appeared in numerous literary magazines, including Another Chicago Magazine, Chaparral, The Comstock Review, The Pedestal, Poetry East, Rattle and Spillway, and many anthologies, including, most recently, The Widows’ Handbook.

  1. Dragana Jurisic
    YU: The Lost Countryart