Five Pieces
by Omar Pérez

"No soy un buda"

"Canción de cuna"

"No Hay teorema"

"Borracho sencillo"


Packingtown Review – Vol.6, Winter 2014/2015

Omar Pérez, poet and translator, has published five books of poetry in Cuba: Algo de lo sagrado, ¿Oíste hablar del gato de pelea?, Canciones y Letanías, Lingua Franca, and Crítica de la Razón Puta. He has also published two collections of essays on poetry and translation, La perseverancia de un hombre oscuro and El corazón mediterráneo. He translates from English, Italian, French, and Dutch. He has published, among others, a (Cuban) Spanish version of Shakespeare´s As You Like It: Como les Guste; a translation of Dylan Thomas´s Collected Poems; an anthology of 20th-century Italian poetry L´Antimelancólico; a collection of Anglophone African poetry Mágicos Intervalos; as well as Lo que es, an anthology of Dutch verse. He has collaborated in the theatre both as an actor and musician. He lives in Havana with his wife Sandra, who is a contemporary dancer, and their son.

  1. Benjamin Schmitt
    July 4th, 2012poetry